Monday, May 28, 2012

cards 16-21 and 78 in the Etteilla tradition

Perhaps you have been wondering how long I would keep up this compulsive comparing of fortune-telling booklets. Well, the fun cards are over; at least as far as the majors are concerned, I am going to start wrapping things up.

I realize that Etteilla considered that seeing the cards in relation to each other was his first big contribution to cartomancy, but the Etteilla school's very precise but very different interpretations (among themselves) for the same pairings are getting a bit tedious. Either they make sense, and could have been deduced from the main meanings, or they make no sense at all. I will finish summarizing the trumps, but only giving the synonyms/alternative meanings and the main explanations, omitting the pairs unless there is something out of the ordinary.

Number 16 is entitled "The Last Judgment." The keywords are Judgment/Judgment and Opinion/Arbitration.

Here are the two lists of synonyms and alternative meanings. Again, words that are in either translation of Papus, and also in Orsini, are in regular type. Those in Papus only are in italics; and those in Orsini only in bold.
16. [Jugement.] JUDGMENT-Judgment that is true, good, holy, correct, false. Discernment. Dedication, Intelligence, Conception, Reason, Understanding, Good sense, Correct Opinion, Genius, Power of Reasoning, Comparison. Deliberation.-View, Suspicion, Thought.-Strong Belief, Opinion. Sentiment, Disband [Dissolve]. Last Judgment.

Reversed: [Jugement.] JUDGMENT. Arrest, Decree, Deliberation, Decision [Outcome], Arbitration. Pacification. Poor judgment, Feeble-mindedness, Weak-Mindedness, Pusillanimity.-Dementia. Injustice. Naïveté [Simplicity]. Stupidity.
For Orsini, the card is mainly about court judgments for or against the Consultant. Upright, the decision will be bad, but you will be saved by an inheritance. Reversed, it is just bad. For the 1865 rewrite includes predictions for people who don't happen to have lawsuits pending: if you have formed plans, you will see them realized; if you are uncertain about the future of a grand enterprise, you should be cautious. If reversed, your own judgment is doubtful and you should consult someone else. In the 1910/1826 explication, the prediction concerns the outcome of a business matter and depends on other cards. In the modern Grimaud, the card in isolation is about the consultant's own judgment; it is good if upright, and if reversed, consult someone else. Court case outcomes are decided by surrounding cards.

Number 17 is called "Death." Its keywords are Mortality/Nothingness, or in the modern Grimaud, Death/Incapacity. Here are the lists of synonyms and alternative meanings.
17. [Mortalité.] MORTALITY-Death, Deceased. Last Supper. Extinction, Annihilation, Destruction. Assassination attempt, Murder, Assasination, Homicide. Suicide. Regicide. Massacre. Carnage. Butchery. Massacre. Poison. Poisoning.-End, Deterioration, Rottenness, Corruption, Putrefaction.

Reversed: [Néant.] NOTHINGNESS. Inertia, Sleep, Paralysis. Fainting. Negation. Null. In no way. Paralyze. Lethargy, Petrifaction.-Annihilation, Put to Sleep, Somnambulism.
Etteilla says a little about Death in particular in his Second Cahier:
The false Savants understood saying that the number or figure of death was 13; in consequence, they code La Mort 13. But the Book [of Thoth] takes man in the creation, and it is known that Adam was not subject to death by number 13, but by that of 17, as I explained elsewhere; now, it was the pages that it was necessary to code, and not to follow the truth of the bad number 13, into which we have fallen Since Adam.
I have not yet found where Etteilla talks about why Adam is associated with the number 17. I would imagine it is a higher number because he was formerly immortal.

Orsini c. 1838 says that if upright the card means that you will lose someone who has rendered you great service. The edition of c. 1853 changes that: it is only that you are afraid of losing that person, but you have nothing to fear. In both editions, for a lady the card predicts "all sorts of contrariness." If for a young lady, it means that her marriage plans are going wrong. If this card has a harmful effect on the other cards, it is best to withdraw the card from the line. If the card comes reversed, your hopes are dashed.

The 1910/1826 has a novel approach to the theme of card 17: forthcoming death is predicted for the person represented by the next card in the line, and a recent escape from death for the person represented by the card before it. If reversed, your hopes are dashed.

The modern Grimaud says to fight against your illness; don't do anything rash, but don't make any plans. Reversed, it predicts death, and for diabetics, it advises taking serious care of one's health.

Number 18 is "The Capucin" for Orsini, or "Judas Iscariot" for the two Grimauds. Keywords Traitor/Hypocrite (Faux Devot), or for modern Grimaud, Betrayal/Falsehood. Here are the lists of synonyms and alternative meanings.
18. [Traitre.] TRAITOR-Treason [or Betrayal], Disguise, Dissimulation, hypocrite, Hypocrisy, Deceiver, Suborner, Corrupter, Seducer.-Trickery [Roguery], Impostor. Fanatic, fanaticism, Ruse, Deceit, Imposture [omitted by Revak].

Reversed: [Faux Dévot.] FALSE DEVOUT. Hermit, Anchorite, Solitary, Hidden, Concealed, Disguised, Clever, Cunning, End. Politic [omitted by Revak].
Orsini has a footnote about "Capucin." It says that the Egyptians had a word "Capuce" to designate someone who had reached the first rank of knowledge; but some then degenerated under pressure from contemporaries and disciples, so that today "this hieroglyph signifies a hypocrite, a traitor." For Orsini, the meaning of the card is that that someone will slander you; he will repent, but it is too late. Reversed, "it does not predict things so unpleasant."

The c. 1865 says that the imposture has been discovered, and adds an interpretation of the lantern and the dog on the card (the dog is only on the Etteilla III): the lantern signifies that the light must enlighten those who doubt the truth; the dog is the emblem of friendship.

The c. 1910/1826 predicts, for the Etteilla I card, that a traitor will distort your aims and harm you, adding that if reversed the betrayer will betray himself and regret it bitterly, like Judas Iscariot. It says that cards 18 and 3 were together when Napoleon was betrayed not by his children but by those who owed him their political eminence and honors. The modern Grimaud says again that if upright, a traitor is laying traps, and if reversed not to listen to anyone, it is all lies.

Number 19 is "The temple struck by lightning" or "The Capitol." Keywords are Misery/Prison. Modern Grimaud translates "Misere" as "Poverty." Here are the lists of synonyms and alternative meanings.
[Misère.] MISERY-Distress, Indigence, Poverty, Dearth, Need, Necessity, Destitution, Catastrophe, Adversity, Misfortune, Grief, Pain, Torment, Sadness, Affliction, Trouble, Punishment, Punishment by God, Thrashing, Correction, Chastisement. Reversal.-Awakening, Disgrace.-Severity, Inflexibility, Harshness.

Reversed: [Prison.] PRISON. Imprisonment, Detention. Arrest, Captivity, Enslavement, Oppression, Tyranny, Chains, Yoke, Despotism, Dungeon. House of God, Servitude. Subjugation, Subjection, Constraint.
Orsini says, "This card is the symbol of all unexpected catastrophes - it signifies scarcity, disgrace, adversity, torture."

The c. 1865 says that it only predicts events that are extraordinary, unless upright and with 10 [La Force] and 62 [2 of Swords: Friendship/Falsity]. Otherwise the card is modified by surrounding cards; with a court card, it even foretells an upcoming inheritance.

The c. 1910/1826 is back to disasters: "a lightning stroke [coup de foudre, which the 1969 translation has as "rash action"], a great misfortune, an unforeseen catastrophe, or perhaps a political revolution will plunge you into misery, if you don't have "two strings on your bow." In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket. When upside down, it means prison, although you hoped otherwise. 19 came out next to no. 22 [King of Batons: Man of country, good and just man] when Napoleon was taken to St. Helena.

The modern Grimaud says that if upright, you need money, and if reversed, you will succeed in a dishonest transaction but go to prison.

Number 20 is "Wheel of Fortune" or "Nebuchadnezzar." Keywords Fortune/Increase. Here are the lists of synonyms and alternative meanings.
20. [Fortune.] FORTUNE-Happiness, Felicity, Improvement, Enhancement, Blessing, Prosperity.-Advantages, Riches, Profits-Gifts, Favors.-Fate, Destiny, Adventures, Good Fortune.

Reversed: [Augmentation.] INCREASE, Expansion, Abundance, More.-Development, Growth, Vegetation, Production.
Orsini says that the card is "always auspicious": fortune to one who is without one; increase to the opulent; promotion to the military man. Inverted, it is still auspicious. For a young lady, it predicts a visit from a soldier.

The 1865 repeats Orsini's favorable predictions.

For the 1910/1826, the card means loss of fortune. A famous man may suddenly be considered a fool. Near 17, it means violent death to a king or leader; for example, these cards came together every day a year before before the death of Paul I of Russia. Upside down, it predicts "further recurrence of disgrace."

Modern Grimaud predicts good fortune to the consultant and the one that person is interested, and a good influence on the cards around it.

Number 21 is "The African Despot" and "Rehoboam." Rehoboam was the king of Israel after Solomon; his refusal to stop taxing the people so heavily led to a successful rebellion and a splitting of the kingdom; Rehoboam's part was then invaded by Egypt and made its vassal state ( Keywords are Dissension/Arrogance, modern Grimaud: Lawsuit/Legal dispute. Here are the lists of synonyms and alternative meanings.
21. [Dissension.] DISSENSION--War, Dispute, Disruption, Troubles, Insurrection, Sedition, Faction, Rebellion, Defection, Riots, Unrest, Battle, Fight, Combat.-Duel. Arrogance, Haughtiness, Vanity, False Glory, Pomp, Ostentation, Daring [should be Audacity], Temerity.-Violence, Disorder, Anger, Injury, Abuse, Presumptuousness, Vengeance.

Reversed: [Arrogance.] ARROGANCE. Unrest [bruit; Stockman has noise], Racket, Quarrel, Disagreement, Contesting, Lawsuit, Harassment, Arguments, Debates.
Orsini says,
A person of bad character will try and pick a quarrel with you; you will be betrayed in an enterprise you involved several of your friends in. If the Enquirer is a lady, it announces a rupture with her adorers [one of her adorers, the English translation says].
The c. 1865 says that there are two interpretations: either the consultant will attain a high position, or he will have to submit to a foreigner's domination or suffer other dificulties. If it is for a man, the woman he will marry will dominate him in everything. But if for a young woman, her husband will be superior in fortune.

c. 1910/1826 says that upright, the card predicts that in a country near to your heart, there will be a sedition [uprising, adds the 1969 English translation] that will be crushed by an act of tyranny. Reversed, it means the fall of tyranny (this part omitted from the translation, which gives no Reversed meaning). Near 17, the death of a pet.

The modern Grimaud says that this card is one that "encourages pride, revenge, and ostentation." Upright, take legal counsel before filing your lawsuit. Reversed, you risk having a lawsuit with someone in a higher position. Near 17, your small animal is very ill.

Number 78 is "Madness [La Folie], or the Alchemist." Modern Grimaud: "The alchemist." Keywords Madness/Madness, or Madness/Bewilderment. Here are the lists of synonyms and alternative meanings.
78. ETTEILLA: [Folie.] FOLLY--Demented, Eccentricity [Extravagance], Unreasonableness, Distraction, Insanity, Aberrations, Intoxication, Delirium, Hot Fever, Frenzy, Defective, Rage, Fury, Carried Away.- Enthusiasm.-Blindness, Ignorance.-Crazy, Insane, Irrational, Innocent, Without Affectation, Simpleton, Naive.

Reversed: [Folie.] FOLLY. Imbecility, Ineptitude, Carelessness, Stupidity, Imprudence, Negligence, Absence, Distraction.-Apathy, Fainting Fit, Exhaustion, Sleep, Nothingness, Nullity, Empty, Nothing.-Vain.
This card announces the pinnacle of extravagant behavior; it makes you fear that you will do many senseless things of which you will become the victim, unless an unforeseen accident puts an end to them... But although this card, upright or inverted, always indicates folly, it is certain this prediction is considerably modified when this tarot is near several favorable cards; it only indicates good fortune obtained by means outside regular knowledge or work.
C. 1865 says the card predicts extravagant behavior, but not always, depending on surrounding cards.

C. 1910/1826:
However this card is turned, it represents an act of madness or extravagance of which you will repent. If reversed, it is an act of folly that you have done and regret bitterly. If upright, it is an act that you are about to make: you are warned, there is still time to stop yourself.
Modern Grimaud:
This card is correctly named "The Madman" [Le Fou]. It inevitably mans madness or an aberration. It is up to the consultant to be on his guard.
R: Your attitude is stupid.
U: You are about to do something very foolish.


  1. Dear Michael,

    First of all, I really appreciate the tremendous effort you have made to unveil and put together all this precise and true information about the authentic method of reading the cards by Etteilla. Many thanks for this great work of sincere love.

    I have to say that Etteilla's tarot really appeals to me. Recently, I bought the Dusserre Version of the Egyptien Tarot or Grand Etteilla III, but unfortunately, the little beige book has several missing pages. Apparently, this is a factory failure. I have tried to contact Dusserre without success... So, looking in the internet, I found your nice blogspot, and given the information you have, I think you may have that booklet as well. So, I am kindly asking, if possible, to have the information of the missing pages. Actually, the only pages I would need are the ones that Cards No. 60 to 67 are missing, since I already downloaded cards No. 1 to 6, which were also missing. Hence, would you be so kind in providing me with the lacking information...

    Many thanks in advance for your great help.



    1. Hi Vincente. Yes, I have it. Thanks for reading. If you join Aeclectic Tarot Forum and send me (I go by MikeH) a private message there, we can talk further.
